Alternative medicine in Mexico is accesible and world class

With the demise of the Republican plan to repeal and replace OCare and the soaring premiums, people are looking south for high-quality treatments.

Rendition of a human brain at its full capacity

Alternative medicine in Mexico is no new thing, especially among conventional Doctors. These have shifted their practice to less invasive and more human and natural therapies.

With soaring prices in healthcare and traditional medicine, for us mortals, there’s still a possibility for keeping and living a healthy and energetic life.  With recent trend and tendencies that are making alternative medicine practices more popular and reliable, we can look to our neighbor to the south. Yes, I’m talking about Mexico, specifically gorgeous Baja.

We can find a great variety of different Doctors doing quality alternative medicine in modern centers and clinics with state of the art equipment. The medical tourism boom in Baja was fueled in part due to patients seeking different approaches to treating their symptoms and diseases or just to get preemptive natural therapies like Chelation and Ozone therapy. Both of these treatments not approved in the States by the FDA (wonder why?)

Medical tourism Mexico? Let’s start with Baja

I met Dr. Martinez thru an Argentinian friend that lives in Rosarito. From there I started doing Chelation therapy. This eliminates heavy metals that get trapped in our bodies specifically in our brains. Different factors like eating raw seafood, air pollution or the handling of materials contribute to the buildup of this substances. I had severe fatigue and depression symptoms that vanished in a short period of time.

Cancer treatment in Mexico is also very sought after here. The center where I  was gettint treated I met a couple of American cancer patients that were getting 

Clouds over the Center

 High dose vitamin C therapy. They told me that they started feeling much better since the first session. Vitamin C is a powerful vitamin that supercharges our immune system. That’s why cancer patients are attracted to this.

The other popular treatment was NAD therapy. Opioid and heroin addicts from the States are getting this treatment. A powerful cocktail of antioxidants and amino acid that greatly reduces withdrawal symptoms of opioid addicts.

Now I’m a frequent patient of Dr. Martinez. The center is a beautiful place on the outskirts of Rosarito overlooking the Pacific ocean. One can truly relax in this atmosphere and it is a perfect spot for getting treatments while observing amazing views!

And like this story, you can find others. Whatever you think will work for you, its almost assured you’ll find if you look for it. Thus what I know is that we can be grateful for the little gem we have down south at astonishingly low prices compared to our United States.


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